Today is Veterans Day and we honor all those have served in the United States Armed Forces. This day goes all the way back to 1919, when Armistice Day was designated to celebrate the ending of World War I on November 11th, 1918. The name changed to Veterans Day in 1954.
Are there veterans in your family? Are you a veteran? If so, we thank you so much for your service or your family’s service to our country. Words cannot express how grateful we are to all those who have made this commitment.
Okay – now onto the big question. . . Can you find photos of your family in uniform or service? Today’s one of the best days to pull pictures out, share with each other and talk about those stories.
The photo to the right is my dad who served in the Vietnam War. Although he never would talk about his service specifically, I know it meant a lot to him to have served. When my dad did talk about serving, we learned more about how his family dealt with him being oversees and in harms way or how they all went out for our traditional Maria’s Pizza when he returned.
Quick Tip – We consider photos to be saved when they meet two conditions. 1. You can find the photo you are looking for when you want it and; 2. It is backed up in two places. If you cannot easily find photos of the veterans in your family (and you know you have some, somewhere), you may have a photo mess. Click here for an easy book to learn how to save your family photos.
After my dad died last year, we found a treasure trove of photos he had neatly organized in his files. Photos from his service that he had never shared with us. How amazing for us to have a glimpse into his life . . . and to know that he would have been able to find these photos right away if he had wanted to share them with us.