Have you inherited the old family photo collection? Boxes, bins of dusty albums, photos or vintage frames of ancestor portraits? If you are like JC and her family, you are not alone. And, there is help with photo estate services. We help families preserve old photos and create an online history for future generations.
JC contacted us after seeing us on the Morning Blend, a local television program. She needed help with many bins of pictures and memorabilia. These were stored in her basement after the passing of her parents. Our photo estate package sounded like a good solution for preserving her family’s legacy.
The Photo Collection
Her collection included:
- Over a dozen bins of photos
- Four antique, fragile scrapbooks from the early 1900s
- Wonderful vintage portraits with some in their original frames
- Documents and memorabilia from her father’s public service career
- Very important photos and letters from Army Service including a photo of their father with Eisenhower and General Patton marching down the field.
- Slides, negatives and more
In all, we spent about 22 hours working on organizing and curating her collection. You can see the finished organization in the photo at the top of this page.

A Happy Client
JC wrote a review for us after the project was completed. She stated,
“Pixologie put together a ‘Photo Estate’ for our family. I was impressed with the professionalism of the staff who worked with me and my siblings, to organize all of our memories. They consistently contacted us to give us updates and kept us apprised of the progress being made.”
Our process is simple to preserve old photos. For JC’s project, we:
- Conducted a first sort, dividing up the collection by family group, media type and decades
- Thoroughly organized each divided group of photos and other media by year as best as possible
- Worked with JC and her sister to review the organization to make sure our work met her family’s expectations and to pull out photos that didn’t need to be preserved.
We then scanned and uploaded nearly 5,000 pictures, portraits, videos, slides and memorabilia to their Forever account. The folders are easily accessible to the family.
JC also said,
“The job that we entrusted to Pixologie with was very large and important to us. They also put all the original pictures in keepsake photo boxes and tabbed them for easy access. All of my siblings and their children now have access to the memories that were previously hidden in bins.
It is truly amazing to walk through an online history of my parents’ lives and keep their memories alive for future generations. My siblings and I highly recommend the services offered by Pixologie!”
It brings us great joy to see how satisfied our clients are when viewing the finished, organized photo estate. Let us know how we can help you preserve old photos, film, and other media and create your family’s photo estate!