So sorry … Ziplock bags are not approved for archiving family pictures. 
Why do photos even end up in these clear plastic holders designed for leftover food and sandwiches for lunch? Here’s what we’ve seen:
- You are in a hurry to gather up photos for your daughter’s 8th grade graduation school slideshow and use a baggy for transport to school. You get the photos back in the ziplock bag back you sent them in; and promptly throw the bag in a drawer to be put a way later or. . .
- You buy the gallon size bags thinking you’ll put all of one year’s photos in each bag, ending up with thirty five ziplock bags stored in huge plastic bins that end up in the basement. You’ll get to those someday or . . .
- Another family member is cleaning out their old photos and gives you a baggie full of pictures that you in them. You promptly throw them in a closet with all the other photo envelopes of printed pictures you haven’t organized yet.
Here’s a few reasons why you don’t want to save photos in plastic baggies.
- If you ever have a fire, the plastic will melt and ruin the photos
- You are lulled into a false sense of security of photo organization when in all likelihood, you have a photo mess with many duplicates and repetitive photos that can be eliminated.
- It’s very possible that your memories are mixed up in more locations than just the baggies.
- If you need a photo, you may have to hunt through a lot of baggies to find it.
Best bet is to transfer them to photo safe boxes.
Separate the photos by year at least and begin bringing all your photos to that location as you gather them. If you have issues that sound familiar, it is time to get a plan to conquer your photo mess.
Click here to see the beautiful archival photo boxes we sell at Pixologie.