Over the years, we have developed handouts and guides that have been helpful to our clients. We hope photo organizing tools will provide you some guidance in your photo projects. If you have an idea for a helpful download, let us know by emailing us at [email protected].
Visit our Shopping Guide for helpful equipment and products to organize your photos and more! (You’ll be going to our PIX PLAN Community page).
QuickPix Guide to Photo Organization
This is a great guide to a broad overview of what your photo and video collection might contain. We also list common problems and potential steps to getting your photos in order.
Pixologist’s Organization Cards – Decades
These cards are four up on 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of paper. Print out and cut in four to separate your photos by decades. Good for small photo organizing projects with pictures covering a wide range of dates.
Age Chart – Our Most Popular of Photo Organizing Tools!
Wondering what years some of your photos were taken in? An age chart can help you figure out how to organize your photos chronologically. This download has an editable page to make your own Age Chart. Click here for a helpful blog on dating photos.
QuickGuide to Moving Your Family Photos
If you are moving to a new home, your photos and family movies could be a source of frustration. Chances are you have photos saved all over the place. This guide will give you some direction on how to prepare your photo collection for the move. It could be a great opportunity to bring all of your photos together once and for all. (And, then after the move, maybe you could sort through them and preserve them!)
Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes & Tintypes Chart
Have very old photos encased in glass or create out of metal? Chances are you have antique photos that are fragile and over 100 years old. Learn more about the differences between these old types of heritage photos.
Best Practices in Photo & Media Preservation
There are many ways to scan and digitize photos, slides, negatives, video and film. Not all ways are equal. This chart breaks down digitizing photos and other media by the Consumer Level, Preservation Level and Archival Level.
How Many Digital Photos Should You Save?
Well, this isn’t quite about digitizing photos. However, the guide is a great resource if you are trying to determine how many digital photos should be in your family picture collection. It breaks down how many photos per year and all the way down to how many are needed for a photo book or photo calendar.
Simple Photo Book Outline
Starting with a plan for your photo book can help make a meaningful keepsake for your family to look at. This simple form has lines for you to enter what topics you will have on each page of your photo book. Most books come with a standard 20 pages. Once you start adding pages, the price of a photo book can get higher quick. You can also enter which pictures you’ll use for each page and if you want to have some text on the pages as well. Jot a few notes down. And, if you like, get a file folder for each set of pages to place the items in that you need to have scanned for the book.
Family Event Photo Book Outline
Take your photo book to the next level. This download has tips and ideas on how to gather more photos, letters, etc. for a photo book that is celebrating a major milestone such as a birthday or anniversary. Click here to see “How To Create a Memorable Photo Book” available on Amazon.
Help Your Photos Weather A Storm
If your photos have been in a storm, this guide provides advice on how to deal with wet pictures. All does not have to be lost, but time is of the essence. Learn how a freezer can help and what to do if there is mold involved.
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